HELLO! HELLO!How's everyone doing in your new classes? Coping well with schoolwork? But i know i don't have to worry about this eh, because i know every single soul that were from e2lalaland will work hard for this year, next year, and for many many years later as well. Hahah gaahs, what am i saying.
Okay anyway, everyone must
JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU okay?! Although some or most of you, including myself, miss e2lalaland alot alot alot. But we have to move on. Don't worry, lalaland will still be there, and that we know 07 was the best year ever for everyone of us. (: There'll sure be gatherings during the holidays! Must start saving up for the chaletfees soon! Teehee. :D
Hmms, i'm suppose to infrom you guys to
bring e2classtee for the sec3 orientationcamp. Pack it into your backpack, slingbag or whatever bag okay! Uh, we are not mean wearing our sec2classtee during sec3camp right...? You now what i meant? Hmms, anyway just bring. At most we wear it at night!
Okay, that should be about all. Everyone take care and have time management okay. I think it's very important when we all are much much busier than last year. Drink lots of water and not sleep too late.
Oh, do tag at the tagboard lah. Although i know sometimes don't know what to tag, but just tag anything lo, crap also nevermind de. For those who can, post something too! :D
Bye! C: